
Comic-Con Countdown: T-minus 30

Comic-Con Countdown T-minus 30:

SD Comic Con comes to town in a month! This may be the last year I get to go all 4 days, based on the way things are going, but I'm really looking forward to seeing friends both personal and professional, and finding some inspiration for my own creative endeavors. So, for the next month I will present some of my favorite Comic and Pop-Art memories and milestones to help us all get in the mood.

This month marks the 31st anniversary of the launch of a comic near and dear to my heart: GI Joe, by the indomitable Larry Hama. Hama defined GI Joe for most fans of the property, and variations on his themes is usually met with controversy at the least, and derision at worst. Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Zartan, Cobra Commander, Scarlett, The Baroness, Destro, et al; The characters Joe fans know and love were defined by Hama in the comics, who wrote the file cards found on the back of the figures as well.

Those who know me know how much GI Joe means to me as a pop-culture property. Check out this commercial for the comic, and let me know your favorite memories of GI Joe.